26 September 2009


Liquidity Analysis
Current Ratio
In this chart we can see (Blue Line) if it have a good start on the 2004 (1.288), but it got down on 2006 until 1.071 but it increased again in 2008 and makes highest point in 5years.

Quick Ratio
As we can see on the red line, its keept down from 2004 until 2006 (0.758), but its increased until 2007 and keep that point in a year until 2008 for 0.992-1.002

Cash Ratio
Let see the green line. Its keep down until 2006, but for the next year it more down and down, until 2008.
AnalysisFor the 2 lines –current ratio and quick ratio- its almost the same, because the keep down until 2006, but after that they increased until the next years.

Leverage Analysis

Total Debt Ratio
On this chart it have the same number for 2 years, and then in 2006 it had much increased until 2008
Equity Ratio
On the blue line its have not much movement, it still keep near 0.4

DuPont Analysis

Return on Assets
As we can see, it didn’t have many changed in 2004-2006, but in 2007 its got so many movement until 4.5, but in 2008 it was back to the previous number.

Profitability Analysis

Profit Margin
On the profit margin it was got so much decrease from 0.902 until 0.181, but after that it keep the number level to extremely high, almost on range 0.8 until 1. The best graphic is the graphic of the profit margin, the profit down, flat and then up, increasing.

Return on Assets
Its almost same with the profit margin, it almost touch down the zero but it’s not. Then it turns flat and grew up a little close to 0.2, we think from three figure as we can see in the graphic return on assets is the worst figure, because it increase a little, and decrease a lot.

Return on Equity
The figure of profit margin, return on assets and return on equity are almost the same, they are decrease and also almost touch the zero number, but then grew up a little and turns flat. Return on equity stay in range of 0.2 and 0.4 not extremely down like return on assets.


1. As we can see from the chart, we think the best years for the current and quick ratio are on 2008, because its increase higher than the other years. And for the best year in cash ratio is on 2004 because its higher than the others.

2. The best year on return on asset is 2007 because it almost touches 5. 

3. The best graphic is the graphic of the profit margin on 2004, the profit down, flat and then up, increasing.

4. We think from three figures as we can see in the graphic return on assets is the worst figure on 2005 until 2008, because it increase a little, and decrease a lot.

5. The figure of profit margin, return on assets and return on equity are almost the same, they are decrease and also almost touch the zero number, but then grew up a little and turns flat.

So, we think the best year is 2004 for overall.


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